1)      Explain difference between open loop and close loop control system.
2)      Give advantage and disadvantage of transfer function.
3)      Derive transfer function of armature-controlled dc motor.
4)      Prepare mathematical model of series RC circuit obtain transfer function between capacitor voltage and supply voltage.
5)      Explain Mason’s Gain formula.
6)      Explain block diagram reduction tools
7)      Define terms related to Signal Flow Graph.
8)      Explain standard test signals used in control system.
9)      Derive steady state error & it’s coefficients for different inputs.
10)   Explain type-0, type-1 & type-2 control system. Drive equation for steady state error of type-2 control system for step, ramp & parabolic input.
11)   Define terms: Delay time, rise time, peak time, settling time, steady state error.
12)   State and explain Nyquist stability criteria.
13)   Explain rules for construction of root-locus.
14)   Explain correlation between time domain and frequency domain.
15)   With necessary diagrams explain
                                                                   1.Gain cross over frequency
                                                                   2.Phase cross over frequency
                                                                   3.Gain margin
                                                                   4.Phase margin
