1. Water and climate related disasters
a) Floods and drainage management
b) Cyclones
c) Tornadoes and hurricanes
d) Hailstorm
e) Cloud burst
f) Heat wave and cold wave
g) Snow avalanches
h) Droughts
i) Sea erosion
j) Thunder and lightening
k) Tsunami

2. Geological related disasters
a) Landslides and mudflows
b) Earthquakes
c) Dam failures/ Dam bursts
d) Minor fires

3. Chemical, industrial and nuclear related disasters
a) Chemical and industrial disasters
b) Nuclear disasters 

4. Accident related disasters
a) Forest fires
b) Urban fires
c) Mine flooding
d) Oil spills
e) Major building collapse
f) Serial bomb blasts
g) Festival related disasters
h) Electrical disasters and fires
i) Air, road and rail accidents
j) Boat capsizing
k) Village fire

5. Biological related disasters
a) Biological disasters and epidemics
b) Pest attacks
c) Cattle epidemics
d) Food poisoning