The local community is usually the first responder in case of a disaster. Local community also carries traditional knowledge and relevant counter measures regarding disaster management. So the role of local community must be utilized with the help of NGOs (Non-Government Organization) and media
The role of NGOs in the pre-disaster phase should include awareness generation, education, training and formation of village level task force. The NGOs can play a key role in the immediate after the disasters by extending assistance in rescue and first aid, sanitation and hygiene, damage assessment and assistance to external agencies bringing relief materials. During the post disaster phase, the NGOs can take a lead by providing technical and material support for safe construction, recovery of educational institutions and restoration of means of livelihood and help the government in monitoring the speed of implementation for various reconstruction and recovery programs
NGOs, civil society and media also play an active role as pressure groups in a democracy so that any laziness on part of the government can be traced and fixed.